On Demand: Chefluencer Strategy Pilot Webinar
CalMTA received approval for a potential Market Transformation Initiative (MTI) focused on induction cooking in January 2024. As part of the induction MTI research phase, a proposed Strategy Pilot has been developed aiming to test an intervention that could be used to change public opinion, build awareness on the benefits of induction cooking, and ultimately grow demand for induction cooktops and ranges. The Strategy Pilot was open for public comment on the CPUC PDA site from May 21 – June 5, 2024.
This Strategy Pilot builds upon the good work that others have already been doing in California. For example, the Building Decarbonization Coalition (BDC) has been running a successful “Chefluencer” program where local chefs demonstrate induction technology and talk through the benefits of switching to induction cooktops and ranges.
Watch the Chefluencer Strategy Pilot Webinar Recording
Any questions in the meantime should be sent to Lydia Boateng.
On Demand: Strategy Pilot Comment Review Webinar
In the development of its first set of market transformation ideas to advance, CalMTA has identified several opportunities and barriers that warrant further research into how consumers interact with the targeted technologies. Two proposed Program Strategy Pilots have been developed that would test potential market intervention strategies for window/portable heat pumps and induction cooktops and ranges. Plans for these Strategy Pilots were available for comment on the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) public documents site for two weeks in January. This webinar was an opportunity for the public to hear about the Strategy Pilots, a summary of comments received, and how CalMTA addressed that feedback in its planning. This meeting was open to the public and included time for public comment.
This webinar was recorded on Friday, February 9 at 11:00 am-12:00 pm PDT.
Program Strategy Pilot: Portable/Window Heat Pump Self-Installation Practices
On Demand: CalMTA Evaluation Framework Follow-Up Discussion Webinar – 1/8/24
A draft MTI Evaluation Framework was released by CalMTA last fall for public review and comment. The draft document described the policies, principals, and high-level approaches used to assess market transformation initiatives (MTIs) that will bring lasting energy efficiency benefits to California. CalMTA staff have been working in consultation with the Market Transformation Advisory Board (MTAB) to resolve comments that were received.
This webinar provided an opportunity for MTAB members to continue the discussion from a recent meeting on the approach for oversight of selection and management of 3rd-party evaluations, including several mechanisms to ensure independence. Karen Horkitz, CalMTA evaluation lead, was be available to address feedback received from MTAB members and provide additional clarification about the proposed evaluation approach, oversight, and management.
To catch up on the previous MTAB discussion about the draft MTI Evaluation Framework visit: MTAB Meeting recording on Dec. 1 (the Evaluation Framework discussion starts at 01:12:23 minute mark).
View the recording from CalMTA Evaluation Framework Follow-Up Discussion Webinar on Jan. 8
Follow the link below to leave a public comment regarding MTAB meetings and/or topics discussed.
On Demand: Draft Market Transformation Evaluation Framework (10/19)
CalMTA released a draft Evaluation Framework that will be used to ensure our portfolio of market transformation initiatives (MTIs) creates the intended market effects and delivers reliable energy savings for California ratepayers and incremental system benefits to California’s electrical grid. In this on demand webinar, hear from Karen Horkitz, CalMTA’s lead on evaluation, learn more about our proposed approach to evaluating MTIs, and ask questions of our subject matter experts in real-time.
This meeting took place October 19, 2023 at 1 pm PST.
On Demand: CalMTA Request for Ideas briefing part 2
This virtual event about the RFI was held on July 26, 2023, and is now available on demand.
CalMTA is seeking ideas to help California reach its energy efficiency and decarbonization goals through market transformation. If you know of cutting-edge technologies or practices that save energy, we want to hear from you through our RFI open through 8/18. CalMTA will also favor ideas that deliver clean energy workforce development and energy equity. Submissions that advance will be further developed and deployed to remove market barriers and catalyze market adoption. This includes a competitive solicitation of bids for firms for implementation.
This on-demand webinar covers the types of market-level initiatives CalMTA is developing, how to submit your idea and the information requested, how submissions will be reviewed and scored based on several categories, and the next steps for development. Questions were answered live during the event. This RFI is an opportunity to influence California’s market transformation portfolio of technologies, products, services, practices, or delivery approaches that save energy. Join us in creating a new marketplace of ideas!
On Demand: CalMTA Request for Ideas briefing
This virtual event about the RFI was held on June 14, 2023 and is now available on demand.
Got game changing innovation?
Learn about CalMTA’s Request for Ideas (RFI) and prepare to share your market transforming ideas.
CalMTA is seeking ideas to help California reach its energy efficiency and decarbonization goals through market transformation. If you know of cutting-edge technologies or practices that save energy, we want to hear from you through our RFI opening until Aug. 18, 2023. CalMTA will also favor ideas that deliver clean energy workforce development and energy equity. Submissions that advance will be further developed and deployed to remove market barriers and catalyze market adoption. This includes a competitive solicitation of bids for firms for implementation.
This on demand webinar covers the types of market-level initiatives CalMTA is developing, how to submit your idea and the information requested, how submissions will be reviewed and scored based on several categories, and next steps for development. This RFI is an opportunity to influence California’s market transformation portfolio of technologies, products, services, practices, or delivery approaches that save energy. Join us in creating a new marketplace of ideas!
Questions? Contact Taqua Ammar
On Demand: Theory of market transformation
Market transformation is now launching in California under CalMTA. This on demand session covers the theory of market transformation and why it’s an important part of the state’s energy efficiency and decarbonization portfolio. CalMTA initiatives will work to strategically intervene in a market to create lasting change by removing market barriers or exploiting opportunities, accelerating the adoption of identified technologies or practices. This session will cover the basics of market transformation, the process of logic model development, and exit strategy. This event was originally held on 4/28/23.