induction cooking planning

Induction Cooking MTI Plan

CalMTA’s Induction Cooking Market Transformation Initiative (MTI) seeks to accelerate market adoption of efficient induction cooktops and ranges to provide a high-quality cooking experience with the added health and safety benefits afforded by induction technology.

Cooking is one of the most visible and personal uses of energy in households and induction cooking serves as a linchpin to bring about full home electrification that will meet California’s decarbonization goals. Induction cooktops use electromagnetic technology to heat cookware directly, delivering energy-efficient, precise, and faster cooking. Removing combustion sources for better indoor air quality will directly help Californians who live in smaller or multifamily homes. In addition to these non-energy benefits, the forecasted Total System Benefit of $537 million demonstrates its clear value.
The Induction Cooking MTI Plan is based on 18 months of development, research, outreach, and analysis. It was submitted to the California Public Energy Commission (CPUC) via an Application on December 20, 2024. Below are links to the full plan as well as the supporting appendices.

Induction Cooking MTI Plan

For presentations and supplemental material explaining the product definition, logic model and market transformation theory, market forecasting, cost-effectiveness, and evaluation, visit our Idea to Initiative page at

planning room heat pumps

Room Heat Pumps MTI Plan

CalMTA’s Room Heat Pumps (RHP) Market Transformation Initiative (MTI) aims to accelerate market adoption of room heat pumps to provide efficient heating and cooling in existing small, single-family, and multifamily households.

With a forecasted Total System Benefit (TSB) of $521 million, RHPs offer a significant, cost-effective opportunity to reduce energy demand and associated infrastructure costs, which are a primary driver of electric rates in California. Over time, the initiative will transform the market and lock in energy savings, grid benefits, and greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions to help meet California’s climate goals.
The Room Heat Pumps MTI Plan is based on 18 months of development, research, outreach, and analysis. It was submitted to the California Public Energy Commission (CPUC) via an Application on December 20, 2024. Below are links to the full plan as well as the supporting appendices.

Room Heat Pumps MTI Plan

For presentations and supplemental materials explaining the product definition, logic model and market transformation theory, market forecasting, cost-effectiveness, and evaluation, visit our Idea to Initiative page at


Foodservice Water Heating Systems Advancement Plan

This Advancement Plan summarizes available information and essential research activities for the proposed Market Transformation Initiative (MTI) that CalMTA recommends advancing from Phase I: Concept Development into Phase II: Program Development. The initial research efforts outlined will inform the long-term potential of this technology before CalMTA recommends whether to advance this MTI further. All Advancement Plans are reviewed by the Market Transformation Advisory Board (MTAB) and the public before they are finalized by CalMTA.

read the foodservice water heating systems advancement plan

Watch the video

In this video, recorded at our July 12, 2024 Market Transformation Advisory Board Meeting, Sepideh Rezania outlines the preliminary market transformation theory for the Foodservice Water Heating Systems MT idea.

Public comment

The Foodservice Water Heating Systems Advancement Plan was posted for public comment on the California Public Utilities Commission Public Document Area and the CalMTA Public Comment Submission Portal from July 10 – July 31, 2024. The Feedback Response Memo provides a high-level summary of the comments received and the Advancement Plan Feedback Response details the specific feedback and CalMTA’s response.


Residential Heat Pump Water Heating Advancement Plan

This Advancement Plan summarizes available information and essential research activities for the proposed Market Transformation Initiative (MTI) that CalMTA recommends advancing from Phase I: Concept Development into Phase II: Program Development. It represents a stage gate deliverable that describes the scope of work for research, testing, and stakeholder engagement that will be needed during Phase II to develop a full MTI Plan for approval by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) for Phase III: Market Deployment.

The initial research efforts outlined in this Advancement Plan will inform the long-term potential of this technology before CalMTA recommends whether to advance this Market Transformation (MT) idea further. All MT Advancement Plans are reviewed by the Market Transformation Advisory Board (MTAB) and the public before they are finalized by CalMTA.

This Advancement Plan contains:

  1.  Key characteristics of the MT idea (e.g., description, target market, initial MT theory, etc.).
  2. Identified gaps in knowledge that need to be filled before an MTI Plan could be written for CPUC approval.
  3. Budget and work plan for activities in Phase II that will fill the knowledge gaps.

Read the Residential Heat Pump Water Heating Advancement Plan

Watch the video

In this recording from the June 14, 2024 CalMTA Market Transformation Advisory Board meeting, we review the Advancement Plan for the Residential Heat Pump Water Heating market transformation initiative, including barriers, opportunities, market interventions, and expected outcomes.

Public comment

The draft Advancement Plan was posted for public comment on the California Public Utilities Commission Public Document Area and the CalMTA Public Comment Submission Portal from June 19 – July 11, 2024. The Feedback Response Memo provides a high-level summary of comments received and the Advancement Plan Feedback Response details the specific feedback and CalMTA’s response.


Commercial Replacement & Attachment Window Solutions Advancement Plan

This Advancement Plan summarizes available information and essential research activities for the proposed Market Transformation Initiative (MTI) that CalMTA recommends advancing from Phase I: Concept Development into Phase II: Program Development. It represents the stage gate deliverable that describes the scope of work for research, testing, and stakeholder engagement that will be needed during Phase II to develop a full MTI Plan for approval by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) for Phase III: Market Deployment. The initial research efforts outlined in this Advancement Plan will inform the long-term potential of this technology before CalMTA recommends whether to advance this Market Transformation (MT) idea further. All MT Advancement Plans are reviewed by the Market Transformation Advisory Board (MTAB) and the public before they are finalized by CalMTA. This Advancement Plan contains:

  1. Key characteristics of the MT idea (e.g., description, target market, initial MT theory, etc.).
  2. Identified gaps in knowledge that need to be filled before an MTI Plan could be written for CPUC approval.
  3. Estimated costs and work plan for activities in Phase II that will fill the knowledge gaps.

Read the Commercial Replacement and Attachment Window Solutions Advancement Plan

Watch the video

In this recording from the June 14, 2024 CalMTA Market Transformation Advisory Board meeting, we review the Advancement Plan for the Commercial Replacement & Attachment Window Solutions market transformation initiative, including barriers, opportunities, market interventions, and expected outcomes.

Public comment

The draft Advancement Plan was posted for public comment on the California Public Utilities Commission Public Document Area and the CalMTA Public Comment Submission Portal from June 19 – July 11, 2024. The Feedback Response Memo provides a high-level summary of comments received and the Advancement Plan Feedback Response details the specific feedback and CalMTA’s response.

planning room heat pumps

Fact Sheet: Room Heat Pumps

Space conditioning represents the largest energy consumption end-use for homes in California, with more than 3 million Californians using individual air conditioning (AC) units. Room Heat Pumps are self-contained consumer products that provide efficient replacements for window air conditioners and offer space heating for a single room or modest apartment.

Illustration of a person enjoying room comfort thanks to a window heat pump in air conditioning mode, with details describing the interior and exterior heat exchangers, reversing valve, and compressor.


Read the fact sheet


Fact Sheet: Efficient Rooftop Units (ERTUs)

Nationwide, rooftop units (RTUs) make up approximately 37% of commercial buildings’ heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, and 50% of all commercial buildings’ floorspace.1 According to the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, commercialized efficient rooftop units (ERTUs) can achieve 10-40% energy savings compared to standard RTUs.  Nevertheless, product availability and adoption of these units remains low.

ERTU illustration showing energy-saving features including insulation, low-leakage dampers, improved economizer, and advanced control system

Read the fact sheet


Fact Sheet: Induction Cooking

With more than a 70% market share, gas ranges are the most prevalent cooking method in California single-family and multifamily homes. Gas stoves have been promoted for years, despite their inefficiency and the increased awareness of gas cooking’s negative impact on a home’s indoor air quality. Induction cooking devices offer an alternative to gas cooking, however, delivering ~85% of the energy they consume to heat the food compared to ~32% for gas, according to the ENERGY STAR® program.

Illustration of an induction stove showing how the electric coil creates an electromagnetic field that heats cookware directly.

Read the fact sheet


Efficient Rooftop Units (ERTUs) Advancement Plan

Efficient Rooftop Unit Advancement PlanThis Advancement Plan describes information to be developed and research conducted to establish an Efficient Rooftop Units (ERTU) Market Transformation Initiative (MTI). Rooftop units are forced-air systems that package the evaporator, condenser coils, fans, and heating components into a single unit to serve a building’s heating, cooling, and ventilation needs. Three main design improvements addressing supply efficiency, heat recovery, and an improved shell can deliver 10-40% energy savings beyond today’s minimum efficiency RTUs. Greater savings and grid benefits can be achieved through the addition of advanced controls strategies.  CalMTA will use data and research collected to further inform and refine the proposed market transformation theory, intervention strategies, and metrics and data to determine if this MTI should be recommended for implementation.

Read the Efficient Rooftop Units (ERTUs) Advancement Plan

Public comment was collected via the California Public Utilities Commission Public Documents Area from December 6-20, 2023 and the Market Transformation Advisory Board. The MTI Advancement Plan Batch 1 Feedback Memo and ERTU Advancement Plan Feedback Response Memo provide a comprehensive list of comments received and CalMTA’s response.

planning room heat pumps

Portable/Window Heat Pumps Advancement Plan

Cover image of the Advancement Plan showing a window heat pump in a pleasant roomThis Advancement Plan describes information to be developed and research conducted to establish a Portable/Window Heat Pumps Market Transformation Initiative (MTI). Portable and window heat pumps (aka micro heat pumps) are affordable, self-contained consumer products that provide efficient heating and cooling for small spaces. These devices can be self-installed and plugged into standard 110-volt outlets. CalMTA will promote units that can still provide heat when the outdoor air temperature is below 41F, include air filtration, use low GWP refrigerants, and incorporate controls to allow the units to be grid-responsive in the future.  

Please note the market transformation idea Portable/Window Heat Pumps has been changed to Room Heat Pumps.

Read the Portable/Window Heat Pumps Advancement Plan

Public comment

Public comment was collected via the California Public Utilities Commission Public Documents Area from December 6-20, 2023 and the Market Transformation Advisory Board. The MTI Advancement Plan Batch 1 Feedback Memo and Portable/Window Heat Pumps Advancement Plan Feedback Response Memo provide a comprehensive list of comments received and CalMTA’s response.


Induction Cooktops & Ranges Advancement Plan

Induction Cooktops and Ranges Advancement PlanThis Advancement Plan describes information to be developed and research conducted to establish an Induction Cooking Market Transformation Initiative (MTI). Induction ranges and cooktops use electromagnetic induction to heat cookware directly. Unlike traditional gas or electric stoves, which heat the burner, and the burner in turn heats the cookware, induction stoves work by directly heating the cooking vessel. They save energy through instant, direct, and efficient heat transfer, and provide precise temperature control. They do not emit noxious gases that contribute to reduced indoor air quality. Induction cooktops are available on combined stove/oven units, as a cooktop installed in a countertop, or as portable plug-in countertop units. 

Please note the market transformation idea for Induction Cooking was formerly referred to as Induction Cooktops & Ranges.

Read the Induction Cooktops and Ranges Advancement Plan

Public comment

Public comment was collected via the California Public Utilities Commission Public Documents Area from December 6-20, 2023 and the Market Transformation Advisory Board. The MTI Advancement Plan Batch 1 Feedback Memo and Induction Cooktops & Ranges Advancement Plan Feedback Response Memo provide a comprehensive list of comments received and CalMTA’s response.


Case Study: 80 PLUS Computer Power Supply

This case study demonstrates a successful Market Transformation (MT) program that has substantially improved energy efficiency in an area that few of us think much about. The 80 PLUS program, which started in 2004, created specifications for efficient computer power supply units (PSUs) that have expanded to become the industry standards still in force today and have contributed to big energy savings in the PC and server markets.

Read the case study


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