CalMTA seeks to catalyze market change for California’s energy future 

Sunset over the city

With the hottest summer on record upon us, innovative climate solutions are needed more than ever. To support this process, CalMTA is seeking ideas that will accelerate market adoption of new or under-used energy efficiency technologies or practices across California. With just two weeks left to submit, this Request for Ideas (RFI) will inform development of a portfolio of market transformation initiatives (MTIs) to help realize the state’s energy and climate goals. MTIs will also help progress workforce development and equity efforts.  

While California has already made significant investments in energy efficiency, the CPUC established CalMTA early this year to introduce a market transformation framework that supplements existing efforts. Market transformation is a proven approach that creates long-lasting, sustainable market-level changes by removing barriers to adoption of energy efficiency and decarbonization technologies and practices. CalMTA is a program of the CPUC and is administered by Resource Innovations.  

Request for Ideas 

To identify the first initiatives, CalMTA will accept RFI submittals through an Idea Portal until August 18. The Idea Portal asks 13 questions to describe technologies or practices with energy-saving potential that face non-financial market barriers (e.g., limited market support, lack of supply, or low awareness) to widespread adoption. RFI submittals will be scored and prioritized based on established selection criteria.  

While the idea must result in energy savings, CalMTA is also interested in its non-energy benefits and ability to support benefits of greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction, demand flexibility, workforce development, and equity. For each idea selected to advance to the next stage, CalMTA will develop a plan for implementing it, and conduct a competitive solicitation of bids for its delivery. 

More information about the RFI process can be found on the CalMTA website  or in the recording of a public briefing held July 26.

What’s next?  

A dedicated CalMTA team will evaluate and score submissions to the Idea Portal for potential inclusion in the initial portfolio of MTIs. Top-ranked ideas will be determined in collaboration with CalMTA’s Market Transformation Advisory Board (MTAB), which advises CalMTA staff on MTI selection criteria, with feedback on ideas submitted, and tracking of market transformation activities.

Request for Ideas timeline showing the RFI closing August 18

Starting in 2024, CalMTA will engage with a broad range of stakeholders formed into Work Groups to further develop MTIs to achieve established energy, climate, and equity goals.  To join MTAB meetings, view upcoming events here

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