Stakeholder engagement at CalMTA

Transparency is a core tenet of extensive public involvement activities of CalMTA which are centered on data-driven reporting, public Market Transformation Advisory Board (MTAB) meetings, webinars, and public commenting opportunities. CalMTA assures accountability through clear goals and quantifiable metrics that demonstrate we are acting in the best interest of the state’s ratepayers to deliver the highest value possible in our efforts.

As such, CalMTA engages and collaborates with stakeholders at every step of the market transformation initiative (MTI) development process, starting with both broad and targeted outreach to seek submitters to our Request for Ideas (RFI). Our first RFI was promoted with the help of CalMTA allies and paid social media advertising as well as to our email list and website audiences. We provide multiple avenues for applicants to receive support with their submissions, including 1:1 personal support.

Collaborating with MTAB & public

Our process to rank and score MT ideas was developed in collaboration with members of the MTAB during their public meetings. Prioritization of ideas for development are also decided on with direct input from MTAB members. Agendas and materials related to the meetings are posted to the CalMTA website in advance and noticed in our email newsletter as well as the CPUC service list of R.13-11-005 and on social media, and the final recordings, presentations, and notes are also shared on At MTAB meetings, we also provide updates on the development of MT ideas, CalMTA’s portfolio priorities, and information about operational aspects of CalMTA.

There are numerous opportunities for public comment on each idea as it advances through development. In addition to public comment periods at MTAB meetings, plans to support MT idea development and other critical documents, such as the MTI Evaluation Framework, are posted for public comment with comments being addressed and as much as possible integrated before finalizing.

Aligning with current program efforts

CalMTA works closely with key stakeholders at both the organizational and individual MTI level to ensure that initiatives will add value to California’s active energy efficiency landscape and align with programs already underway. We meet at regular intervals with managers who oversee the investor-owned utilities’ (IOUs) energy efficiency portfolios and codes and standards programs. We also conduct deeper-dive sessions attended by identified subject matter experts on these teams and meet with program implementers when appropriate

CalMTA maintains a strong collaborative relationship with CalNEXT, the statewide initiative focused on emerging electric technologies, allowing us to easily share information related to a specific technology or practice and gain access to relevant research findings.

MTI-specific engagements

To gauge potential leverage points and the feasibility of intervention strategies, CalMTA may undertake conversations with market actors or other industry stakeholders. This process results in a greater understanding of key criteria and outlines of potential logic models and can inform MT idea prioritization. When full MTI Plans are developed for approval by the CPUC (with the first two submitted via an Application at the end of 2024) CalMTA will develop a unique stakeholder engagement plan that describes necessary coordination with existing energy efficiency program implementers, key relationships with market actors, research partners, and equity representatives, as well as collaboration with codes and standards entities.

Contact us at any time with feedback on our engagement efforts, public comment on our processes, or subscribe to our email list to receive regular news and updates.


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