
CalMTA 2Q 2023 activity report

CalMTA has released a report summarizing key milestones from April-June 2023 as we work to develop a balanced portfolio of energy efficiency market transformation initiatives (MTIs). Read our report to learn more about recent activities, including formation of our Market Transformation Advisory Board, recent Request for Ideas, and the energy efficiency stakeholders we’ve met with as we build a statewide network of market transformation allies.

Significant recent milestones include:

  • Recruiting, hiring, and training new members of our highly skilled and diverse team to expand CalMTA’s statewide market presence and enable continued growth
  • Recruiting and welcoming our inaugural Market Transformation Advisory Board (MTAB), a nine-member panel of industry experts who will help guide CalMTA’s work, which met for the first time in May
  • Dedicated efforts to build an engaged network of advocates and allies across California, including program administrators, codes and standards and emerging technologies teams, market actors, and community-based organizations
  • Launching our first Request for Ideas (RFI) and online Idea Portal, which interested parties can use to share innovative energy efficiency concepts with CalMTA for potential inclusion in our MTI portfolio

The activities described in this report represent critical steps towards supporting statewide energy efficiency, decarbonization, workforce development, and environmental and social justice goals, and create a foundation for future success.

View the report

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