
Residential Heat Pump Water Heating Advancement Plan

This Advancement Plan summarizes available information and essential research activities for the proposed Market Transformation Initiative (MTI) that CalMTA recommends advancing from Phase I: Concept Development into Phase II: Program Development. It represents a stage gate deliverable that describes the scope of work for research, testing, and stakeholder engagement that will be needed during Phase II to develop a full MTI Plan for approval by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) for Phase III: Market Deployment.

The initial research efforts outlined in this Advancement Plan will inform the long-term potential of this technology before CalMTA recommends whether to advance this Market Transformation (MT) idea further. All MT Advancement Plans are reviewed by the Market Transformation Advisory Board (MTAB) and the public before they are finalized by CalMTA.

This Advancement Plan contains:

  1.  Key characteristics of the MT idea (e.g., description, target market, initial MT theory, etc.).
  2. Identified gaps in knowledge that need to be filled before an MTI Plan could be written for CPUC approval.
  3. Budget and work plan for activities in Phase II that will fill the knowledge gaps.

Read the Residential Heat Pump Water Heating Advancement Plan

The draft Advancement Plan was posted for public comment on the California Public Utilities Commission Public Document Area and the CalMTA Public Comment Submission Portal from June 19 – July 11, 2024. The Feedback Response Memo provides a high-level summary of comments received and the Advancement Plan Feedback Response details the specific feedback and CalMTA’s response.

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