MTAB members joining the board April 2024

We are pleased to announce that the Market Transformation Advisory Board (MTAB) members starting terms in April 2024 will be:
- Hayley Goodson, TURN | Ratepayer Advocacy/Protection
- Fred Gordon, independent (formerly Energy Trust of Oregon) | Evaluation Professional
- Peter Miller, independent (formerly NRDC) | Environmental Advocacy
- Karina Camacho | Inland Regional Energy Network (I-REN)
Three of these members are current MTAB members that reapplied for their seats and were chosen among other candidates. The Regional Energy Network (REN) representative, Karina Camacho, was chosen by those organizations to represent them. She will replace Lujuana Medina of the SoCal REN.
”We are thrilled to continue collaborative efforts with MTAB in developing market transformation initiatives that will yield long-lasting and equitable energy efficiency benefits in California,” said Stacey Hobart, CalMTA principal of stakeholder engagement and communications at Resource Innovations (RI). CalMTA is a program of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and is administered by RI.
The MTAB plays a crucial role in CalMTA’s activities, contributing expertise and viewpoints to shape California’s market transformation initiatives. Members offer impartial, non-binding advice to CalMTA and CPUC throughout the planning and execution of market transformation efforts. This includes assessing idea selection, providing input on research plans, and monitoring progress.
Seating members for new board terms
CalMTA recently accepted applications for seats on MTAB, as the one-year terms of current members are concluding in April. The application period ran from February 6-20, 2024.
The MTAB application process involved several key steps to ensure the selection of suitable candidates. This process encompassed the development of MTAB scoring criteria, aimed at identifying the most qualified individuals to serve on the board. The formulation of MTAB application questions was guided by the following criteria:
- Confirmed MTAB category and review of any conflicts of interest
- Unique qualifications for the MTAB (market transformation and energy efficiency experience)
- Board and committee experience
Additionally, efforts were made to promote the open application through outreach and promotional activities.
MTAB application questions & scoring criteria
The MTAB application will open again in the first quarter of 2025 to fill expiring seats for the following positions:
- Workforce and/or labor
- National/Regional Energy Efficiency policy professional
Stay informed by joining our mailing list to receive timely updates regarding the application process.