Comment period closed on draft Foodservice Advancement Plan

CalMTA has released the draft Foodservice Water Heating Systems Advancement Plan MT idea under development. This plan shows the initial market transformation theory, market research, field demonstrations, pilots, and other activities needed to inform a full Market Transformation Initiative Plan. Public comment on the draft Advancement Plan was open July 8 through July 31 on the CalMTA Public Comment Submission Portal. View public comments received on the document here.

Comment period closed on draft Advancement Plans

CalMTA has released draft Advancement Plans on two MT ideas under development. These plans show the initial market transformation theory, market research, field demonstrations, pilots, and other activities needed to inform a full Market Transformation Initiative Plan specific to each market and idea selected. Public comment on the draft Advancement Plans was open June 10 through July 11 on the new CalMTA Public Comment Submission Portal.

MTAB members joining the board April 2024


We are pleased to announce that the Market Transformation Advisory Board (MTAB) members starting terms in April 2024 will be:  

  • Hayley Goodson, TURN | Ratepayer Advocacy/Protection  
  • Fred Gordon, independent (formerly Energy Trust of Oregon) | Evaluation Professional  
  • Peter Miller​, independent (formerly NRDC) | Environmental Advocacy 
  • Karina Camacho | Inland Regional Energy Network (I-REN) 

Three of these members are current MTAB members that reapplied for their seats and were chosen among other candidates. The Regional Energy Network (REN) representative, Karina Camacho, was chosen by those organizations to represent them. She will replace Lujuana Medina of the SoCal REN.  

”We are thrilled to continue collaborative efforts with MTAB in developing market transformation initiatives that will yield long-lasting and equitable energy efficiency benefits in California,” said Stacey Hobart, CalMTA principal of stakeholder engagement and communications at Resource Innovations (RI). CalMTA is a program of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and is administered by RI.  

The MTAB plays a crucial role in CalMTA’s activities, contributing expertise and viewpoints to shape California’s market transformation initiatives. Members offer impartial, non-binding advice to CalMTA and CPUC throughout the planning and execution of market transformation efforts. This includes assessing idea selection, providing input on research plans, and monitoring progress.

Seating members for new board terms 

CalMTA recently accepted applications for seats on MTAB, as the one-year terms of current members are concluding in April. The application period ran from February 6-20, 2024. 

The MTAB application process involved several key steps to ensure the selection of suitable candidates. This process encompassed the development of MTAB scoring criteria, aimed at identifying the most qualified individuals to serve on the board. The formulation of MTAB application questions was guided by the following criteria: 

  • Confirmed MTAB category and review of any conflicts of interest 
  • Unique qualifications for the MTAB (market transformation and energy efficiency experience) 
  • Board and committee experience   

Additionally, efforts were made to promote the open application through outreach and promotional activities. 


MTAB application questions & scoring criteria 

The MTAB application will open again in the first quarter of 2025 to fill expiring seats for the following positions:  

  • Workforce and/or labor 
  • National/Regional Energy Efficiency policy professional 

Stay informed by joining our mailing list to receive timely updates regarding the application process. 

CalMTA Advisory Board member application closed


CalMTA accepted applications for the seats of the Market Transformation Advisory Board (MTAB) members whose one-year term ends in April. The application form was publicly available February 6 – 20, 2024.

The available seats were for two-year terms in the categories of Ratepayer Advocacy, Environmental Advocacy, and Evaluation Professional. Applications will be scored by a team and recommendations will be approved by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Energy Division staff. Successful candidates will start their terms after the next MTAB meeting on April 25, 2024.

While applications were open to the public, CalMTA anticipates that current members for these seats would reapply to continue serving on the board.

The role of MTAB members

The MTAB is critical to CalMTA’s operations, bringing their expertise and perspectives to this important and high-profile program to establish a market transformation portfolio for California. In their role, they provide unbiased, non-binding recommendations to CalMTA and the CPUC during the design and implementation of market transformation initiatives (MTIs). This includes reviewing market transformation idea selection and prioritization, providing feedback on research plans (Advancement Plans), and tracking MTI activities and progress.

MTAB members meet either in-person or virtually at least quarterly for 6-8 hours including review of materials. Our MTAB meetings are open to the public and provide opportunities for public comment.


MTAB representatives are intended to have diverse backgrounds and possess the following general characteristics:

  • A long-term background in California and national energy efficiency
  • A broad-based interest in outcomes of California and national energy efficiency proceeding,
  • A solid understanding of market transformation principles
  • Experience working constructively on advisory (or similar) committees

MTAB members are required to comply with the MTAB charter and conflict of interest policies. Travel within the state of California is required for meetings. Members will receive a stipend and expense reimbursement.

Learn more about the MTAB at our Advisory Board FAQ, or Taqua Ammar with any questions.

Comment period has closed on the Program Strategy Pilots

CalMTA will be conducting Strategy Pilots to learn more about the technologies targeted in the first set of market transformation Advancement Plans and test potential market intervention strategies. Plans for these Strategy Pilots were available for comment through Jan. 8-23 on the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) public documents site.

Read the Portable/Window Heat Pump Self-Installation Practices Program Strategy Pilot

Read the Geographic Targeting Using ESRPP for Portable/Window Heat Pump and Induction Cooking Program Strategy Pilot

Public comment was collected via the California Public Utilities Commission Public Documents Area from January 8-23, 2024. The Strategy Pilot Comment Memo provides a comprehensive list of comments received and CalMTA’s response.

Public comment on Batch 1 draft Advancement Plans has closed

CalMTA has developed draft Advancement Plans for three potential Market Transformation Initiatives. The Advancement Plans describe the initial MTI theory and market research, field demonstrations, pilots, and other activities needed to inform a full MTI Implementation Plan specific to each market and idea selected.

Plans for the draft Advancement Plans were available for public comment December 6-20, 2023 on the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) public documents site.

Efficient Rooftop Units

Portable/Window Heat Pumps

Induction Cooktops and Ranges

Public comment period on the draft Evaluation Framework has closed

The California Market Transformation Framework, created via CPUC Decision 19-12-021, calls for setting clear savings goals and other market transformation initiative (MTI) metrics to ensure a high level of accountability, and ongoing evaluation to reduce program performance risk. To ensure this outcome, CalMTA has developed a draft Evaluation Framework that describes the policies, principles, and high-level approaches that CalMTA will use to assess its portfolio of MTIs. The approaches are consistent with the Decision and reference the substantial existing body of literature on the best practices and lessons learned for market transformation evaluation.

The draft Evaluation Framework was available for public comment Oct. 17-Nov. 2, 2023 on the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) public documents site.  A recording of the public Q&A webinar session, held October 19, 2023 is available here.

Request for Ideas summary memo

This memo provides an update on select market transformation (MT) ideas submitted during the request for ideas (RFI) process recently conducted by CalMTA. It gives an overview of the ideas that have advanced to Stage 2 scoring and discusses a preliminary review of the ideas proposed as “front runners.” As detailed in this memo, front runners are those ideas that scored well and are more fully viable for near-term MT development than other leading ideas because of product readiness, high leverage, or other defined criteria.


RFI Summary Memo

CalMTA’s work with ESJ communities

CalMTA recognizes the historical inequities of efficiency investment and is using an equity lens in our approach to developing a market transformation portfolio for California that delivers benefits to environmental and social justice communities. In addition to California’s energy and climate goals, CalMTA seeks to support statewide priorities on environmental and social justice (ESJ) and ensure market transformation initiative (MTI) outcomes reflect the needs and desires of the communities they benefit.

Learn more about how we work with ESJ communities and our approach to equity.

CalMTA seeks to catalyze market change for California’s energy future 

Sunset over the city

With the hottest summer on record upon us, innovative climate solutions are needed more than ever. To support this process, CalMTA is seeking ideas that will accelerate market adoption of new or under-used energy efficiency technologies or practices across California. With just two weeks left to submit, this Request for Ideas (RFI) will inform development of a portfolio of market transformation initiatives (MTIs) to help realize the state’s energy and climate goals. MTIs will also help progress workforce development and equity efforts.  

While California has already made significant investments in energy efficiency, the CPUC established CalMTA early this year to introduce a market transformation framework that supplements existing efforts. Market transformation is a proven approach that creates long-lasting, sustainable market-level changes by removing barriers to adoption of energy efficiency and decarbonization technologies and practices. CalMTA is a program of the CPUC and is administered by Resource Innovations.  

Request for Ideas 

To identify the first initiatives, CalMTA will accept RFI submittals through an Idea Portal until August 18. The Idea Portal asks 13 questions to describe technologies or practices with energy-saving potential that face non-financial market barriers (e.g., limited market support, lack of supply, or low awareness) to widespread adoption. RFI submittals will be scored and prioritized based on established selection criteria.  

While the idea must result in energy savings, CalMTA is also interested in its non-energy benefits and ability to support benefits of greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction, demand flexibility, workforce development, and equity. For each idea selected to advance to the next stage, CalMTA will develop a plan for implementing it, and conduct a competitive solicitation of bids for its delivery. 

More information about the RFI process can be found on the CalMTA website  or in the recording of a public briefing held July 26.

What’s next?  

A dedicated CalMTA team will evaluate and score submissions to the Idea Portal for potential inclusion in the initial portfolio of MTIs. Top-ranked ideas will be determined in collaboration with CalMTA’s Market Transformation Advisory Board (MTAB), which advises CalMTA staff on MTI selection criteria, with feedback on ideas submitted, and tracking of market transformation activities.

Request for Ideas timeline showing the RFI closing August 18

Starting in 2024, CalMTA will engage with a broad range of stakeholders formed into Work Groups to further develop MTIs to achieve established energy, climate, and equity goals.  To join MTAB meetings, view upcoming events here

Stay up to date with CalMTA and join our mailing list.

Theory of Market Transformation webinar available on demand

Market transformation is now launching in California under CalMTA. This on demand session covers the theory of market transformation and why it’s an important part of the state’s energy efficiency and decarbonization portfolio.

Advice letter filed to form advisory board

Resource Innovations, on behalf of CalMTA, filed an advice letter to the CPUC today to form a Market Transformation Advisory Board (MTAB). The advice letter includes names of recommended members as well as alternates from various backgrounds including:

  • Ratepayer advocacy/protection
  • Workforce and/or labor
  • Environmental advocacy
  • Evaluation professional
  • National/Regional EE policy professional
  • Utility EE representative (to rotate among the IOUs, on the schedule and in the order on which they mutually agree)
  • CCA or REN energy efficiency professional
  • Up to two CPUC staff

The MTAB is a core component of California’s market transformation framework and has an important role in contributing to the review and prioritization of the market transformation initiatives to be adopted by the CalMTA.

Read the advice letter including the MTAB Charter and proposed Conflict of Interest policies.

Learn more about the MTAB

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