Program-Level Key Performance Indicators
CalMTA uses key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure its progress at the program-level and by market transformation initiative (MTI). The scorecard below reflects KPIs for all market transformation initiatives (MTIs) in the portfolio as well as operational performance.
This scorecard shows data as of December 31, 2024. At the time of posting, with no MTIs in the Phase III: Market Deployment, we can only report on operational KPIs. “N/A” refers to data that is not available at the time of posting. Targets shown in the scorecard reflect the MTIs submitted and pending approval as part of the Application. After Application approval, future scorecards will show targets for approved MTIs. This scorecard will be updated quarterly.
Operational Performance
- Percent of annual operations plan milestones achieved – In CalMTA’s annual Operations Plan, we identify milestones related to MTI development, operations, stakeholder engagement, and equity to be completed by quarter. Collectively, the milestones listed roll up to this KPI.
- Budget Expenditures ($M) – This KPI represents funds spent to date for the current year compared to the approved budget.
- Administration percent of total expenditures – This KPI measures the proportion of CalMTA’s budget spent in the Administration Cost Category.
- Budget accrued to third parties as percent of total program expenditures – Measures the proportion of CalMTA’s budget going to third parties (including implementers, evaluators, market partners – in the form of incentives, marketing dollars, etc.) in the current year.
- Budget accrued to third parties as percent of total program expenditures (2026-2030 cumulative) – as above, over the initial five-year funding period.
Market Transformation Progress
- Achievement to Phase III MTI market progress milestones (% of current year milestones met) – Each MTI has a number of market progress indicators (MPIs) documented in the MTI Plan which are metrics that are used to track market progress. Milestones are the specific expected quantitative or empirical achievements, including timing, that correspond with certain MPIs. This KPI tracks the proportion of market progress milestones met or on track to be met for the current year.
Equity/Environmental Justice
- MTI Equity Milestone Attainment (% of current year MTI equity milestones met) – Each initiative has MPIs that relate specifically to equity aspects of the MTI. Collectively, all equity milestones in the portfolio roll up to this KPI.
- Percent of ESJ engagement milestones achieved (2024) – This KPI reflects CalMTA’s performance on completing planned ESJ engagement milestones each year necessary to grow relationships and support feedback on MTI interventions focused on delivering equitable outcomes. These activities are documented in the annual Operations Plan.
Incremental Benefits
In all cases, these savings and benefits KPIs are across the portfolio.
- 2026-2030 Net incremental TSB ($) – The dollar value of energy, grid, and greenhouse gas benefits to the electric and natural gas systems, net of what other energy efficiency program administrators may claim.
- 2026-2030 Net incremental energy benefits ($) – The dollar value of energy to the electric and natural gas systems from avoided generation, net of what other energy efficiency program administrators may claim.
- 2026-2030 Net incremental grid benefits ($) – The dollar value of capacity, transmission, and distribution capacity benefits to the electric and gas systems, net of what other energy efficiency program administrators may claim.
- 2026-2030 Net incremental GHG reduction ($) – The dollar value of GHG benefits – including both carbon (expressed through the GHG adder) and high global-warming potential gasses, such as methane and refrigerants, net of what other energy efficiency program administrators may claim.
- 2026-2030 Co-created incremental TSB ($) – Total TSB impacts (including PA-reported savings) influenced by the MTI via coordinated MTI and other EE program efforts.
- Lifetime net incremental TSB ($) – TSB for the lifetime of all MTIs that have advanced to Phase III, which is typically 20 years.
Current Portfolio Cost-Effectiveness
- Forecasted lifetime cost-effectiveness, total resource cost (TRC) – Measures the relative costs and benefits of the portfolio to both participants and non-participants. The portfolio includes the costs of Phase II and Phase III for all approved MTIs.
- Forecasted lifetime cost-effectiveness, program administrator cost (PAC) – Measures the program costs incurred by the administrator, the incentives paid to the customers, and the increased supply costs for the periods in which load is increased.
- Forecasted lifetime cost-effectiveness (SCT) – The lifetime forecasted cost-effectiveness for CalMTA’s portfolio based on net incremental TSB, using California’s rules for the Societal Cost Test, which is a variant on the TRC test that includes the effects of externalities, excludes tax credit benefits, and uses a different (societal) discount rate.
1Three operational milestones were delayed to 2025 including the 3rd quarter report (delivered in January 2025), the Stakeholder Survey (launched in February 2025), and the CRTU Market Characterization Study (scheduled for release in 4th Quarter 2025). Milestones that were not pursued include public comment and release of the Efficient Streetlighting Advancement Plan, which was drafted but the idea did not to advance to Phase II. In addition, CalMTA did not launch any new Strategy Pilots in 2024.
2The targets shown reflect MTIs with submitted MTI Plans, i.e., Room Heat Pumps and Induction Cooking.
3The forecasts shown reflect MTIs with submitted MTI Plans, i.e., Room Heat Pumps and Induction Cooking. The CPUC did not impose any cost-effectiveness threshold at the portfolio level or MTI level (D.19-12-021, p. 69).