Portable/Window Heat Pumps Advancement Plan
This Advancement Plan describes information to be developed and research conducted to establish a Portable/Window Heat Pumps Market Transformation Initiative (MTI). Portable and window heat pumps (aka micro heat pumps) are affordable, self-contained consumer products that provide efficient heating and cooling for small spaces. These devices can be self-installed and plugged into standard 110-volt outlets. CalMTA will promote units that can still provide heat when the outdoor air temperature is below 41F, include air filtration, use low GWP refrigerants, and incorporate controls to allow the units to be grid-responsive in the future.
Please note the market transformation idea Portable/Window Heat Pumps has been changed to Room Heat Pumps.
Read the Portable/Window Heat Pumps Advancement Plan
Public comment
Public comment was collected via the California Public Utilities Commission Public Documents Area from December 6-20, 2023 and the Market Transformation Advisory Board. The MTI Advancement Plan Batch 1 Feedback Memo and Portable/Window Heat Pumps Advancement Plan Feedback Response Memo provide a comprehensive list of comments received and CalMTA’s response.